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Go Kart Go!

As the cold and snow finally settles in here in the Midwest, the car guy in us starts to get cabin fever. Sure finding a desolate parking lot covered in the slippery white stuff gives our idle hands the opportunity to test full opposite lock maneuvers with the snow tire shod family sedan, but still our competitive juices need an outlet. Well, thank God for the indoor karting track. As it so happens, we have one just around the corner from home base here where we spend many hours honing our aging reflexes and questionable skills.

Along with those friendly people at the kart track, Kart2Kart, we are sponsoring our second annual VRPerformance 90 minute Endurance Kart race February 17th. If you're in the area, check it out. If you're anxious to have some spirited fun and can put a team of like minded souls together, send me an RSVP.

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